Dear HR: What Skin Color Emoji Am I Supposed to Use?
Politely Asking the Spirit Haunting My House to Wait Until After the Election to Terrorize Me
Triangle's Overlapping Timelines Finally Explained
The 2009 psychological thriller "Triangle" is perhaps one of the most well-written and intricate time loop films of the last 15 years. LET’S UNRAVEL THE STORY.
How Many Lines Bruce Wayne Actually Has in The Batman
Over The Batman's three hours, there aren't many scenes of Robert Pattinson without the Batsuit covering most of his face.
The Ending Of 'Circle' Explained
The film’s premise to draw attention to the many prejudiced and biased ways that people are treated in society today and how we choose to value the lives of others
‘Men In Black 2’ Ruined the Original Film
How ‘Men In Black 2’ was able to retroactively ruin the near-perfect original.
Things You Only Notice In Killing Eve After Watching It More Than Once
Let's take a look back at all the little details we missed during this thrilling series the first time around — and their potential deeper meanings.
The Adam Project Has an Uncanny Valley Problem
The Adam Project's Catherine Keener undergoes a CGI facelift to portray her younger self, but the results are distracting, to say the least.
Navigating the Maze of Higher Education
Fact checking by Zoe Malik
Produced by Antonia Cereijido; Edited by Annie Aviles and Marlon Bishop Artwork by Zeke Peña
The Mark Brendanawicz Theory That Changes Everything On Parks And Recreation
If you ask certain Parks and Rec enthusiasts, they'll tell you what just might be a dark truth
Additional Entertainment Articles

Could mRNA Vaccine Technology Cure Cancer?
The tech used in major COVID-19 vaccines is regarded as a "breakthrough." HIV vaccines could now be in the cards
Orchid Mantis
The orchid mantis resembles a beautiful bloom to catch unsuspecting insects.
Research Papers in Science Journal
A study testing the efficacy of monetary incentives in persuading smokers to quit.
Big Help For Tiny Turtles
Terrapin Rescue in Sea Isle City try to save newly born hatchlings and their mother from the dangers of a new predator - Roads
Animal Costume Party
To blend into the seafloor, the sponge crab designs a hat out of a live sponge!


How Love Changed Our Favorite Klingon
Worf’s growth throughout the series explores questions honor, pride and what it means to “be a man.”
Daredevil’s Super-Hearing Can Be Explained by a Biological Quirk... In Owls
Daredevil has enhanced senses such as super-hearing, but how that works may have a surprising scientific explanation.
The Persistent Power of Loving Day
Interspecies relationships on Star Trek and their real world parallels
Designing the 'Right' Baby for All the Wrong Reasons
Today, we’re exploring the ethical complications of human gene augmentation as seen in the classic episode ‘Dr. Bashir, I Presume.’
When Sexuality is Literally Fluid
An exploration of the gender sexual identity of Changelings.
Ishka of Ferenginar: Mother of a Movement
Being able to envision change is difficult enough, but taking the necessary steps for change is a task few can accomplish